I don't know about you, but I use coupons whenever I can to save money on food, clothes, gas and whatever else anyone will allow me to. I sign up for every emailing list and often use the coupons that are mailed to me to make purchases for dinner, groceries, vitamins, etc. I use Shopkick on my Android phone to acquire points for just visiting stores and looking at products and, most of all, I use the daily deal web sites and Smartphone apps.
The two biggest daily deal programs are Groupon and Living Social. I have no interest in most of what they're offering, but once in a while I'll see a deal I can't pass up. Like Italian dinner for four with two appetizers, four entrees and four drinks for $39 at a restauant near me. Or maybe someone to clean my house for half-price. I'm in.
While Groupon will give you ten bucks for each person you refer, and Living Social will give you your deal for free, the newer kid on the block, Moolala, will pay you every time someone in your matrix buys any of the daily deals.
I signed up for Moolala and sort of forgot about it. I told some friends via Facebook and put a few banner links on some of my web sites, but didn't pay much attention. I was still getting the daily deals from them, so I'd glance at the deal and if I wasn't interested I'd hit delete.
Then one day, I noticed at the top of one of their daily deal email blasts that they listed the number of people in my matrix (you also get paid when friends of friends buy) and how much money I made. Hmmmm.
I highly recommend participating in all of these daily deal programs. Firstly, you may save a lot of money on purchases you would have made anyway, and as a bonus you may earn actual cash or free stuff. So, sign up through the links on this page (see how that works). Then place banner ads on your web sites and blogs, write about it in your blogs, share it on Facebook and Twitter. You're helping others out, and pocketing some cash.
You ain't gonna get rich quick, but every little bit helps. Diversify.