I don't even remember how I ran across Fiverr.com, but I know I loved the concept right from the beginning.
Fiverr.com is a website which offers visitors the opportunity to purchase a number of products and services, with every one of them costing five dollars (sort of). Some of the offerings are commonly needed business services like logo design, banner ad creation, testimonial videos, script and copy writing. Others are WAY more bizarre. Such as a guy who will sing happy birthday to whomever you want (or another message) with balloons and confetti while taking a bath. Or maybe you'd like to have a girl recite your message while hula hooping in a bikini. Not your cup of tea? Then you're probably interested in a guy who will write your message on his fat hairy belly for five dollars. No? Odd. I thought everyone was looking for that, but just didn't know where to purchase it.
Being intrigued, I set up an account and then pondered what I could do, or would be willing to do, for five dollars. I won't tell you some of my ideas, but stay tuned, I just might actually do some of them.
What I settled on were the two following "gigs." 1) I will design a custom banner ad or website header for $5; and 2) I will write a FUNNY video testimonial script for $5.
[NOTE: If you try to visit the above pages and the links are no good, that's because I suspended them due to getting too much work. Which is a good thing. You can see some of my recent fiverr gigs in my portfolio blog.]
After I launched these gigs, I figured I'd see if I got any takers, do a couple of jobs (which my wife kept reminding me that it wasn't worth the time for five bucks), try to get paid and then report on everything to you guys, here in the blog. Well, as it turns out, I've done about twelve gigs so far (in just a little over a month) and have elevated my status to Level One, which allows me to add on more stuff to my gigs and get paid more than five dollars.
So, even though I couldn't imagine making enough money to quit my night job (stand-up comedy) or writing my other Smartphone technology blog (Hooked On Droid), I'm also not going to stop doing the Fiverr gigs.
So, even if you only want to get a few laughs by checking out what other people are actually willing to do for five dollars, I'd visit the web site and check it out. Who knows, you may discover that you're willing to pee someone's corporate message in the snow while juggling cupcakes.
[NOTE] Here's a couple of other ways you may want to try to make some extra money online. Maybe a lot. The YouTube Money Machine- How To Make Money Online With YouTube